Jesse Reimink Jesse Reimink

Your Questions! Road Collapse in the United Kingdom (GeoShort)

Thanks to our UK listener Valeria for this excellent question!

Valeria wondered what was going on with road collapses in the UK recently! Luckily, some experts have looked into this and wrote this recent blog post that proposes some ideas, and suggests further research is necessary.

In this Geoshort, we discuss these options, as well as explain what Solifluction is, and how it moves soil in a very powerful and slow process.

Thanks Valeria for an excellent question! We look forward to many more from you and other listeners of PlanetGeo.

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Jesse Reimink Jesse Reimink

A Geology Bullseye: The Black Hills of South Dakota

The Black Hills happens to be one of our favorite places. We thought it was the right time to talk about them as people are getting the itch for summer to arrive so we can play in the mountains. The Black Hills is the perfect area to orient a young family to a life of adventure and respect for the outdoors.

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